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Join our Band!

  • In the coming days the fate of wildness is literally at stake - their lives are on the line. Tens of thousands of wild horse may ship to slaughter, make no mistake, someone will be making a massive profit from this. It is not a solution, it is a business.
  • The mustang is as American as baseball, apple pie and the bald eagle. But the Trump Administration has just asked Congress for permission to slaughter tens of thousands of these national icons, ensuring their virtual extinction from our Western public lands.
  • If we don’t speak up now, these majestic animals could be gone within our lifetime. We launched the #ImWithTheBand campaign to defend wild horse families (known as bands) and harness the power of the people to save our wild horses before it’s too late!
  • I have taken great pride and joy in working on this campaign with the talented team of fierce, kind and amazing women. The collective effort of growing this grass roots campaign will forever stay with me. A dear friend, Ellie Phipps Price came up with the #, its brilliant and the idea shifted and molded over the course of year to bring you what you now see!
  • Please join us in our efforts, its simple, its easy and it shows you stand for WILDNESS to remain in our amazing vast western landscape.


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